Ok where to start ???? some blabberings as per SS or likewise some others, who say we do what others do ... Do something better man ! :)
Interesting things which happen specifically with me ... When I say and in my "Sahaj-mi "Blog had written "Bhasheche udyog" can write in marathi but its not my "Top de Lap ( at home only, but not mine and not office one)" So no more changing stuff on this ... Manjiri dhamankar (any as such, as they told me in first india visit post 6,7 years, the girl who made name in entire maharashtra these people didn't even tell her what she is famous for and nothing for so many years and becoming middle individuals looted all and say and show all things as theirs) and article in esakal post my stuff here, have many interesting things over years , even in sakal paper "spreading rumors about an individual and sticking to it is thirdclass" then gujarathi paper " Girls can do boys can, even see movies , are there any super heroes, A daughter started dance studio for parents ( 2020 special seeing in my living room in bellevue wa, my crap zumba & something else) and people coming to see me especially kids on my various endeavors, can we make a superhero of a garden lady, everyone wants to be like her so how she walks, puts stuff in phone , carries them etc etc happened with me and "Enfronte" so" Yo lo se" nothing "virtual - doesn't mean imaginary even if dictionary says so ,,, ask americans " as in tech blabber garage sale, virtual runs, pro medical ( name of gym) its their speciality, cloud storage say something means something do something tell something else ,,,, n'ways More importantly "ALIVE GIRL" its mua..myself ..
So I try to learn some stuff as "Language app people know how they grew, made business, and so many more parallel learners along side , i know then they use my account copy script and tech others learn themselves and so on and so forth ....So some things which u have heard in my home
When i wanted to order water at room temperature : my versions of it , as i did not know how to say that time , now i do ( don't touch my stuff as its time bound) Spanish :- necesito agua como el verano, agua caliente, no frio, agua como habitacion tiempo, agua entre de caliente y frio... so final word was agua normal. Somehow something works .. like wise necesito finishar mi manzana ( acabar- but finishar is also a word, so i was not that wrong... isn't it . For those parallel learners igloo - iglesia, heleotrope ridge -helio- ice ( my way of remembering things, more specific which i and them both remember "thanks giving- dia de action de gracias, hence i said action only nothing else is required to be done .. :) " just kidding ... some humor
in my language "kundi- planter" in some other its " potty doing place""Su shi - japanese" in marathi "pee and poop" so when travellling, when you know somethings first reaction comes as a laughter as u know some other meaning of it ....
Well as technology grew, so did our ways of doing things and other things related with it, But we came back to square one .As a child we started with "slate and chalk, then came pencil and paper, then ball pen, then fountain pen, and then back to thumb... so village uneducated long time back now things have changed, we were way advanced " they were right from the beginning " angutha chhap" "thumb printers" so what did we achieve with all this advancement, now looking at it what we do is work work work ( i am an exception talking abt me ) then we go back to same origins of what was nutricious food, lifestyle, and then post too much isolation especially in USA we go to some yoga, or satsang stuff to find ... as i wrote in writings "Alone sucks .. destination important, no one wants to be alone.. right" So what we achieved? Being electronics engg with comp stuff I have some right to say this , right!! Its just an observation... Then comes resentment, regret as to if i was that age and if blah blah blah ,,, but reading this can be taken in misunderstood way , as new generation of quick money and travel and otherwise, now finds such jobs or gets inclined to such careers ( instagrammers and seeing post certain age lives of some individuals) and even parents force them in a way where they get to travel, and work less etc. besides seeing what they did with me the current kids mentality is play someone around and get benefited is the very thirdclass mentality that has been originated and has to stop in time. So climate jobs, marine biologists, weather reporters and as such get pushed by parents. Speaking from self experience of some family individuals.
Also tendency of " doing some things behind back of an individual for years and years and stealing all theirs is on high and its set of parents who allow such and do such" When some write articles about "AI"and some other which can screw an individual and their life for good if it falls in bad individuals hand, so these kids have to think how to channel what good they have learned to do good and not ... So with technology advancement more headache than good???? its headache we create otherwise it will be good and helpful. Hence came "LIVE and LET LIVE : it was on my instagram those who shut the app off in dec2021 on my phone never giving any reason, just because they felt like!. Why touch someone elses device, say all that is yours, make your own life story if day and night i say all things that u do sec by sec to others over 10 years , you and all others will get a feeling that that is really yours, when its not, what's left for that individual? u make your life story, how stealing from other person and now from their home makes that as yours? what kind of things current parents teach their kids and themselves? It's not a joke of any kind.
Seriousness apart , those who listen in my home car and phone and all places ,
It came as a thought do dogs know languages? as in USA one teaches in english all commands, sit, stay, jump, go away , so can italian ,japanese indian, spanish etc teach in theirs and they do theirs. so if dog roams world he has to learn in all language how to go away ( in ours is hud , if u do that here in usa they come to you and think you are playing with them:) . well all this started with "saint dyneshwar taugh reda ( bull) ved), then birds learn and speak, in sea world fish gets taught things and others .... As it came as "KALA AKSHAR BHAIS BARABAR" means one is uneducated, padhana likhana nahi aata ... so if "REDA ( bhais) got taught language by saint , this is a wrong statement" it can be safed akshar doodh barabr, hara akshar ghas barabar, kala akshar etc... so was the thought. So animals, birds and as such do understand something , its for experts to say ....So is kind of fun stuff when one goes hiking and there are those who think from one mile away dog will stay under their command and they can see that far on hills and bushes and whatever and yell .... dream on .... besides on leash, so dog at .5 miles and owner 0.5 mile away, some come with enthusiasm small with big dogs and big with small pooch ( power play) ( rest was long funny thing olkhiche anolkhi - my blabberings only and experiences) post 1 mile dogs start dragging them and they let go .... then squirrels chasing and episode on multanomah falls, many places ... Doing volunteering with some org for years ( 2015 dec) have seen plenty and have full right to say as i buy my own passes. On any given day you don't know why someone is doing whatever, may be training for a climb, run, as a pleasure, setting mind free , getting out of something or getting to something, and as mental jobs in trail sector on boom may be they found some of those doing whatever for whatever ... so this for no reason arrogance and nonsense by some makes others day non enjoyable. Was all on my instagram and also texts to my dad and places which u stole and say as yours. Make your POV, stealing mine doesnt make that as your. Besides those with other kind of arrogance, park far away on street and don't pay for so how ???? ( typical upper described freebee generation) Use that arrogance or channel in something better. Besides its mountains u climb with narrow paths.. rem that. Its from 10 years of all that gym hike bike trek hikes run walks cook clean garden etc etc experience which u stole from my devices.
U can choose to make issue of every word and find loopholes.. .my answer " get some mental help and run mental business runners business, they get more clients"
some of the most hilarious things were u knew what u were doing or saying but i had no context. like " mrs doubtfire", " 13.1" "26.2" " 100 miles now " " take a walk " :go in sun: "take a hike" :" i would rather be shopping at nordstrom" " my dog has better life" " dog needs to shower " dog needs to comb hair , teeth" "3 goals and haircut free" " get a haircut" " barber shop" " mother said its complicated" "nosotros en el estadio" "el empresario esta hablando can los presidentes" " este domingo necesito te ayuda" " sperchen sie deutch ) princess" "do u want to win or not" " only 6 participants remain" " love u to the moon" " porque no poder amar otra vez" " stevejobsok" "she was easy to kill" " kill her in game by president 2020" " jisko jo jo lena tha usne utan liya amitabh" well and all that language shabang ...And now u dare say this to me " what R u talking?" " we looted all yours" really? Satyamev jayate ......got the true meaning.
So Why? It was there " if u wanted to know about me ask me , why someone else, why make this complicated" we selectively forgot that.
Adios, Bye -----Rupali R N mehta sheth bellevue wa