So in continuation with post 3, when one lives in USA, speaking about myself, u cook.
Do all individuals everyday eat " breakfast , lunch, dinner" outside? But compared to others most my experiences land in my home ( cooking) and especially for past some ten or so years for some weird reasons. I know more ..
Hence came, festivals & functions on my site my kitchen crap, as never got much exposure at my inlaws, relatives, many other individuals ( going back they kept telling different thing eating at my place in bellevue wa), middle men women or places stole all , and they all kept stealing mine and showing as theirs and claiming they earn ( all contradictory statements) So here in USA mostly when I was on seattle marathi committee & all, before past 10 years .... some community functions and some at home etc ... But off late mostly " I , ME , Myself " just like talk show hosts , SNL shows ,Some actors who solely run movies just by their name, comedians etc. so if I have done it means its "I ME MYSELF" who else?
N'ways, As said in "sahaj-mi" when one comes here and i from big family and very much people kinda, had come with a snapshot of time, so my other half turned lucky he gets all , I happened to do it all. For past two threes years haven't posted pictures anywhere , they use in G-20 and places and my cousins , tell your wives and post theirs on your site or their. None of my business. Michelean certicficate, food critic, upped business, home cookings, receipe books, kids teachings, tips and many watch in my home and middle people and supply others, khana khazana, Modaks, adarsha nari, adarsha bahu etc etc Tom douglas was nice to say in seattle times.. .people told plenty over time.. Journey of 1000 miles, julie and julia . None told me a thing, I am-- then middle people and then those others.
"we like your desert , soup, and so on and so forth,, why put ginger in coffee, your cake was easy and nice .... that will wake u up, as to who am I " Besides the thanks giving and many videos i created for past some years" Hmm .. So if u get criticism and taunts and based on what's going on treatment in restaurants and places for years, one more inclined reason one would not eat outside, would U ? So its not to steal your business and then u saying u steal our business by teaching people cook at home and buy groceries and things then steal your recepies and feed those to people or whatever and some saying we made her krishna and garibo ka masiha and started our business with her thing etc etc... Now U know .... if i post 365 days of , let's say 24 minus 4 years will there be space on my picture gallery ???
Being Indian and maharashtrian gujju, see as said in" sahaj-mi" i get dhokala and pithala ... and we get all our festivals, ganapati diwali holi navaratri all means all and as we stay here in USA like others we do thansk giving and christmas. So entire years is covered... Its not part of " Mascot, Mascota, anything " this is how it is ... And being eggiterian means all veggies plus eggs and there is more to the story ....
If any chance u see and hear and know my neice " surabhi sheth" is nonstop obssessd with me and stalks me , i am her aunt and i don;t like her any which way, don't supply my to her or anyone else. She was obssessed to the extent that when called only me for her wedding in toranto in 2022 july , she said , i want home like kaku, big garden and all things and keeps on going on my husband's phone for gains.For all these years my BIL his wife and kids have been telling my life story as their and so did all my thane society people and marathis, uncles and their kids and school people helping that and them. Then the school middle people did all this and used in BMM conventions and places for all these years.
So I am not here to sabotage anyone , never did , middle people told u so ....and u kept going as u still keep getting benefited. Like a sand grain they stole each and every thing of mine and keep doing it for past 10 years.