so As i said in previous two posts , still U guys keep doing this nonsense..
to let u know some specific details as u try to dig them from my home cameras, phones steal loot and what not , and that too without telling me.
from dec 10 , 2022 to feb 19 2022 :- dragged india trip , where was told to stay back for wedding but not one picture of us was taken or if it was taken never given to me and thos ewho stood next with some " benefit of associated carp" came to USA ,UK, canada in 2023 roamed not a call to me ( ask more i know ) and went back toured , weddings functions and etc.
Then june 10 days jakarta :- falling ants , fixer upper boat ( making me garibo ka masiha) screwed our trip listening in my home seeing in hotel parallel all for them thenpics from my phone to them etc ( saying she is trend setter) we saw what :isolation" exactly last day my dad dies in india
coincidences :- he had nothing , all workers saw him he was fine , he went nepal before that ( i didnt even know, so heart ok), eaactly akadashi. " listening in my home for years " jher voice is her identity " garudavarbaisoni " so my dad dies exactly that time ,paresh rawal movie " mr mehta dies" amitabh bachchanmovie "how to live life with death", justin biber "alone with mother song" then indiangovernment and all give me 50 hour journey to india for my dads funeral. we get his body from coldstorage and only set people there , what did he do to you all ? after getting back people happy he dies why? then all relatives inlaws and all people say " now forget it , we looted all now what" americans do same ( so what diff bet u and them) then still they continue mother said father hair back round robin. same set of people who say now forget it.
so in dec when were in india , set of people enter our home " steal plenty things and go", in summer half day we go vancouver , these people enter our home , empty all food containers etc and go. then again before diwali they come in our driveway steal from my car all things. why? In order to make your life story , u have to steal all mine and do it? who raised u? and why? SO ua have scfrewed my life to physical, financial, educational in alldirections as u failed to tell me what u put me into as permy techblabber blog for 10 years.. Then have screwed and jammed our home internet and phones and all devices log in parallel and steal all and say its your . why would u stoop to such low level. If u wanted to compete, participant shoukd know what;s the competition about , what is the project. U made my dad deaf before killing him. Gave and showed my life story as my brotherinlaws and his wifes. why would u screw my life that way?since u don;t allow me to meet anyone and talk to i have to write it here and thenu make issue out of each word i say.
so in 2021 on my instagram i told police " rupsinthewa" , then5 times we went crossroads police station, then state trooper has my video, then finally now 3 officers came to our home and filed report of your doings and now they keep sending some " bellevue cares " post looting all our and mine, with whose permission u did this to me and us and think its right to steal some individuals entire life story and say its your to get accloads and fame of whatever kind u are looking for. U wanted to cruch someomne for telling truth and some self appointed themselves to help or something, u should ask what help, and tell who u were and are. right? and what R u doing about it , U can not just decide something by yourself . Pur yourself in my place.
Then nothing , Dec 4 days london , i had long connection with it and want to write alot but u keep stealing and doing crap i hate that so i don't , I got flu and finally the doctor there gave me medication post some 10 years, here went and i was told use rogain and xray wont show much etc... really? so for some individuals lies they want to make sure i lose hair, even i like to dress up and do things, what crap is that.
I did some my round robin stuff in parks entire summer, banana republic people know what isaid , only people with kids get in amazon summer , winter , mid winter ,spring holidays and long weekends and for 3 or more years under bigus covid they work from home and some were kicked their ass from company after screing me for good m but HR forgot to tell reason, they ruined life of girl so we kicked them ( they looting my stuff behind my back, and refusing to tell a thing , got upper posts in other companies, why they get hired. how is it right to screw me , and why?) teknoarts is mine , i have a licence of photography from city of bellevue, and they go to my smugmug site and for free take all and give all all passwords ,and denied giving me log file , with whose permission,. There are zillions people including asha seattle and amazon without kids , i dont represent u. who gave u right to steal all our and mine and do this.
These relatives and inlaws of mine , u send me to some place crappy season and what not ,,, long story , they see hear and take all and in good season and get all and thensteal my blogs, pics and say as their, In 10 years they stole every miniscule things of me and made businesses , upped themselves a d now have to come to stealing from our home, I dont; earn right. so one persons salary u steal from us.
and post saying doing all this they moved " my brother inlaws daughter from canada to california, who has never called me ever" but says kaka told something in india so i screwed and looted all kakus. may be put in juvenial jail.